Announcement of Changing Laboratory Name to "Data Architecture Laboratory"
We will change our laboratory name as Data Architecture Laboratory. It will be confirmed at middle of November, 2022.
Please see Prospectus for the prospectus accompanying the change.
A report on joint study with JFSA on Blockchain Governance, published
The report on the joint research Japan Financial Services Agencies and Blockchain Laboratory “A Study on Governance for Decentralized Finance Systems Using Blockchain Technologies” published.
Joint research started with Mercari, Inc.
Blockchain Laboratory, Keio Research institute at SFC started joint research on “Trust Framework” with Mercari, Inc. Press announce has made on December 12th, 2017.
Annoucement of BASE Alliance Establishment
A Globally Open Industry-University Collaborated Blockchain Technologies Annoucement of BASE Alliance Establishment
The Keio Research Institute at SFC, Keio University and Center for Socio-Global Informatics, Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo announces establishment of “BASE Alliance”, a globally open industry-university collaborated research association of the emerging Blockchain technologies.