Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Events”
Announcing: French-Japanese workshop on blockchain technologies and applications to digital trust
“French-Japanese workshop on blockchain technologies and applications to digital trust” will be held at Keio Mita Campus on 14th and 15th November 2023.
Event Info
- Title: French-Japanese workshop on blockchain technologies and applications to digital trust
- Date: 14th and 15th November 2023
- Application and registration status: Open until 10th November
- Registration Fee: Free
- Link to the registration process: Registration Form
- Location of the event:
- Keio University, Mita-Campus
- 2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345
- Campus map:
- 14th: Hall in North building (building number 10)
- 15th: Hall in East building (building number 13)
- Campus map:
- Program: PDF
The digital transformation that is currently ongoing, and that is being theorized through the “Society 5.0” concept by the Japanese government as a seamless integration between virtual and physical world, requires the internet to not only send data from a transmitter to a receiver but to digitalize the interactions between the members of a potentially very large community. However, since the current protocols that lay the foundations of the web are not designed for such kinds of purposes, centralized platforms have emerged to bypass this shortfall by acting as a trusted third party. However, the drawbacks of this centralized structure of the world wide web are numerous and well-known (in terms of security, of privacy, etc.) and replacements are consequently investigated all around the world.
Presentation materials of event 'Digital Transformation(DX) in University Education (Online Symposium)' now available
The Blockchain Lab at the Keio Research Institute at SFC and the Keio FinTEK Center co-hosted “Digital Transformation(DX) in University Education (Online Symposium)” on January 13, 2021 to introduce blockchain initiatives at Keio, especially DX in universities.
Event: IP Meeting 2018 Panel Discussion
One of associate director, Shigeya Suzuki will attend as a panelist at a workshop organizing by Japan Network Information Center).
Date: November 30th, 09:30-17:30 (recepption at 18:00) Place: Hulic Hall & Hulic Conference (Hulic Asakusa-bashi Building, 1-22-16 Asakusa-bashi, Taito-ku, Tokyo)
Please refer to following page for the details:
IP Meeting 2018~知ればもっと楽しくなる~ 「知ってもっと楽しくなりたい!新技術で変わっていくこれからのインターネット」
Event: TCG Regional Forum Workshop: Blockchain - technology and its applicability
One of associate director, Shigeya Suzuki will attend as a panelist at a workshop organizing by Trusted Computing Group.
Date: November 22nd, 13:15-19:30 (registration starts at 13:00; Demo and recepption at 18:00) Place: Akihabara UDX 4th floor - GALLERY NEXT1 & 3 (14-1, Soto-kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
Session on 'Blockchain technology now and future' at SFC ORF
Keio Research Institute at SFC is organizing a yearly open event “Open Research Forum (ORF)” for showcasing various research activities at Keio Shonan Fujisawa Campus (SFC). The location and the date of the events at Roppongi Tokyo Midtown on November 22nd and 23rd.
Keio Blockchain Lab at Keio Research Institute at SFC will run a panel discussion based session specialized on cross chain technologies. If you have interest, please come to the session. Session will be in Japanese. Please check Japanese version of this page for further information.
Announcing: The 2nd Workshop Basing Blockchain
As the part of workshop series of BASE alliance, “The 2nd Workshop Basing Blockchain” will be held at Keio Mita Campus on Saturday June 23rd, 2018.
Announcing: The 1st Workshop Basing Blockchain
BASE alliance plan to run a series of workshops introducing academic research work, as a follow-up to the event “Future of Blockchain Technology” on July 24th, 2017 which jointly produced by Keio Blockchain Lab and Matsuura Lab at The Insitute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo.
As the first workshop of this series, “The 1st Workshop Basing Blockchain” will be held at The Insitute of Industrial Science at The University of Tokyo.
Presentation material of 'Future of Blockchain' now available
Blockchain Laboratory, Keio Research Institute at SFC and Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo co-hosted a workshop on ongoing work on academic research on blockchain on July 24th, 2017 at Keio Universit Mita Campus.
Call for participation for 'Future of Blockchain' workshop
Blockchain Laboratory, Keio Research Institute at SFC and Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo co-host a workshop on ongoing work on academic research on blockchain on July 24th, 2017 at Keio Universit Mita Campus.